0.5 km per minute.
The time it would take to drive 40 km depends on the speed at which you are driving. If you are traveling at a speed of 40 km/h, it would take you 1 hour to cover the distance. However, if you are traveling at a speed of 80 km/h, it would only take you 30 minutes to drive 40 km. The formula to calculate the time it takes to travel a certain distance is time = distance/speed.
When you walk a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes your average speed is 0.2 km per minute.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
You can walk 1 km in 6 minutes if you can walk a mile in 10 minutes.
About 14 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
0.5 km per minute.
80 km per hour
That depends how fast you walk. Assuming a normal walking speed of 21/2 mph ≈ 4 km/h 1 hr = 60 minutes → time = distance ÷ speed = 0.4 km ÷ 4 km/h = 0.1 hr = 0.1 x 60 minutes = 6 minutes. If you walk slower than 4 km/h, it will take you longer; similarly if you walk faster than 4 km/h it will take you less time.
If you walk with the speed of 6 km per hour then it will take 25 minutes
The time it would take to drive 40 km depends on the speed at which you are driving. If you are traveling at a speed of 40 km/h, it would take you 1 hour to cover the distance. However, if you are traveling at a speed of 80 km/h, it would only take you 30 minutes to drive 40 km. The formula to calculate the time it takes to travel a certain distance is time = distance/speed.
The average speed of the bus is 40 km/h (20 km / 0.5 hours).
When you walk a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes your average speed is 0.2 km per minute.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
The time it takes to walk 1.4 km depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of about 5 km/h would take approximately 16-17 minutes to cover 1.4 km. However, factors such as terrain, fitness level, and walking speed can all affect the time it takes to walk this distance.
About 6 minutes 40 seconds at the average human (professional athlete) walking speed of 9km/h.