0.5 km per minute.
When you walk a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes your average speed is 0.2 km per minute.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
You can walk 1 km in 6 minutes if you can walk a mile in 10 minutes.
That depends on your speed. 1) Estimate a speed. Typical speeds for adults might be about 5-6 km/hour. 2) Convert the hours and minutes into hours (1 hour = 60 minutes). 3) Use the formula distance = speed x time.
About 14 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
0.5 km per minute.
80 km per hour
That depends how fast you walk. Assuming a normal walking speed of 21/2 mph ≈ 4 km/h 1 hr = 60 minutes → time = distance ÷ speed = 0.4 km ÷ 4 km/h = 0.1 hr = 0.1 x 60 minutes = 6 minutes. If you walk slower than 4 km/h, it will take you longer; similarly if you walk faster than 4 km/h it will take you less time.
If you walk with the speed of 6 km per hour then it will take 25 minutes
The average speed of the bus is 40 km/h (20 km / 0.5 hours).
When you walk a distance of 2 km in 10 minutes your average speed is 0.2 km per minute.
About 10 minutes at average walking speed of 9km/h
At an average of about 1km per 15 min. It would take about an hour to walk 4km
The time it takes the bus to travel 40 km at a constant speed of 80 km/hr is 40 km / 80 km/hr = 0.5 hours, or 30 minutes.The time it takes the bus to travel 40 km at a constant speed of 80 km/hr is 40 km / 80 km/hr = 0.5 hours, or 30 minutes. My recommendation : π·π π πΏπ ://π π π .π³πΈπΆπΈπ π πΎπ π΄24.π²πΎπΌ/π π΄π³πΈπ /372576/πΊπ°π π³π²π /π·π π πΏπ ://π π π .π³πΈπΆπΈπ π πΎπ π΄24.π²πΎπΌ/π π΄π³πΈπ /372576/πΊπ°π π³π²π /
21 minutes given the speed of 5 km/h. Calculated as 1.8 km multiplied by 60 mins and then divided by 5 km.