One point zero zero three nine.
Sixty-five point zero three zero nine or sixty-five and three hundred and nine ten-thousandths
Nine point zero three two.
Eight and ninety-three ten-thousandths.
0.9375 to a fraction = 9375/10000 or 15/16
zero point zero nine three in (inch)
One point zero zero three nine.
Sixty-five point zero three zero nine or sixty-five and three hundred and nine ten-thousandths
* You can either write it as "eight point three zero nine", or "eight and three hundred nine thousandths". * Also, eight point three hundred and nine.
Eighty-nine point zero three two.
Point three zero nine.
Nine point zero three two.
Zero point nine three nine. OR Nine hundred and thirty-nine thousandths.
Eight and ninety-three ten-thousandths.
Expressed in words, this is equal to zero point three nine nine nine.
0.9375 to a fraction = 9375/10000 or 15/16
"Zero point" is 0. It is an integer, not a fraction.