Any fraction that has a zero as the numerator equals zero. Any fraction that does not have a zero in the numerator would be a nonzero fraction.
The numerator means the number of. If the number of something is zero there are none of them therefore. the answer would be zero Be careful for the denominator. It the denominator is zero the answer would be undefined for how can you cut a thing into zero pieces.
Turn the fraction into a decimal and place it on the left side of zero where it fits.
You can't change a fraction when the numerator is zero because no matter what the denominator is the fraction is still zero. A zero denominator is not allowed because you cannot divide by zero.
Any fraction that has a zero as the numerator equals zero. Any fraction that does not have a zero in the numerator would be a nonzero fraction.
One fifth
We would pronounce 0.40 as "Zero point four tenths" and as a fraction would be represented as 4/10.
In words: zero point four. As a fraction: 4/10.
If you did not, then the number would start wit a decimal point and it is more easy to not notice the decimal point.
65/100 or 13/20