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well there is a Lot but the main one is carpenters

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Q: What jobs use circles?
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Related questions

How do carpenters use circles in their jobs?

They work with rods and they have to measure the diameter of tables sometime. If they're making round furniture of any type, of course they will use it.

What you use circles for?

you use circles to make stuff round

What do you use to measure circles with?

they use protractors to measure circles

An instrucircles used to construct circles and arcs of circles?

A pair of compasses are use to construct circles and arcs of circles

Do you use the radius on only circles?

The question is misguided. You do not use radius only on circles!

What are the unis scientists use for circles called?

The name for the units scientists use for circles are degrees.

How long has circles been in use?

There is no definitive answer on how long circles have been in use. The moon and sun are both circles and they have existed since the beginning of time.

How do you use a protractor for circles?

To use a protractor for circles you find the middle of the circle and you then put the dot on the hole then you measure

How has the use of quality circles in US companies changed since 1983?

The use of quality circles has decreased significantly.

What are the use of circles n religion?

Circles symbolize eternity. They have no beginning and no end.

What is the use of concentric circles?

The use of concentric circles is most commonly used on a target. Concentric circles are placed around a target in which each concentric circle has the same center.

What word would you use to describe two circles of different radius but of the same center?

They are said to be concentric circles.