You need the TI-Nspire CAS because it has multiple representations of a problem individually or together on a single screen and it can grab and move graphed functions in real time to observe relationships and patterns
If you want this answer, you need to tell us what kind your calculator.for instance is it a scientific calculator or just a regular one?Anne
how much far do you need of studying?algebra?geometry?algebra2? trigonometry?pre-calculus?What can you do to prepare?
I need calculus because I am not in a job where they put pictures on the cash register.
Companies have profit functions that depend on the quantity of a product they produce. Using calculus, we can figure out how to maximize profit.
Texas instruments calculator
I would recommend the ti-83+ it has all the features you will need.
yes, but you probably won't need it or any calculator
First, you need to learn how to do calculus. This can be accomplished through either taking a calculus class or figuring it out on your own. Next, you apply what you have learned to the problem, eventually arriving at the answer.
Calc is a good class to take regardless of your career interests
You should get the HP 33S Scientific Calculator because it has 32KB of memory, keystroke programming, linear regression, binary calculation and conversion, trigonometric, inverse-trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Yes, you usually need a calculator for architecture courses because there is a lot of math involved. In order to calculate the right measurements you need to have a calculator. Calculus is a course requirement to attend an architecture course, therefore common knowledge of mathematics and a calculator are required.
Chemistry, calculus, physics, biology would help. Then a chemist degree.
If you want this answer, you need to tell us what kind your calculator.for instance is it a scientific calculator or just a regular one?Anne
how much far do you need of studying?algebra?geometry?algebra2? trigonometry?pre-calculus?What can you do to prepare?
I need calculus because I am not in a job where they put pictures on the cash register.