math teacher, accountant, several things really. There's careers in welding that involve math. Doctors, business owners, and architects also use math.
bar graph
Sure. But if that's what you call it, you sound kind of awkward. Most people call it "two thousand".
You have to take that up with your professor and/or your student advisor. WikiAnswers is not the place to ask those kind of institution specific questions.
rope Trick is a kind of magic in the most difficult but interesting. If you're new to magic should be easy to learn magic. Start by reading about magic tricks.
a responsible student listens to the teacher and other peers. he or she always does their homework and helps other students in school. they're kind to others and are considerate. they don't always think about themselves.
every juice world sound
if you want the answer just go to next link
sound energy require some kind of material to travel through and they cant move through a vaccum
A Toronto student
She was A Great Student =)
a xylophone is an instrument that is used to make a chiming-like sound.
work on a school bus
dental pedics
Dolphins have a interesting way of sleeping
strait A student
Careers in Sociology:
to know what kind of job you want and need