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the presence of dark spot on sun keeps the climate in balanced state ,as these dark spots are a result some reactions radiating large amount of heat.

if no dark spots are visible ,the climate will become unstable due to less heat reaching the earth's surface-as is now in2008-10.

From 2 years the sun spots have vanished from sun and it had been a concern for the scientists all over the world.

further climate change cannot be estimated .

in 1700's during the reign of aurangzeb,the sun spots remained vanised for a long period of time and the climate in Europe decreased to such a extent that the people thought that the ice has come back.........

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Q: What other factors may play a large role in determining climate?
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The greatest effect on determining the climate of a region is the temperature. Other factors that can be used include vegetation and land features among others.

What is the most important factors in determining climate?

The most important factors in determining climate are latitude, topography, proximity to water bodies, prevailing wind patterns, and ocean currents. These factors influence temperature, precipitation, and other climatic conditions in a region.

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The weather conditions and climate of a specific location are the most determining factors that influence the weather patterns and events that occur there. Other factors such as topography, latitude, and proximity to bodies of water can also play a role in determining the local weather.

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Temperature is one of the three weather conditions that are considered in determining a regions climate. The other two are precipitation, and winds.

Is the climate of a place determined by only its latitude?

No, the climate of a place is influenced by a combination of factors, including latitude, altitude, proximity to bodies of water, ocean currents, and prevailing wind patterns. These factors interact to create different climate zones around the world.

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Temperature and precipitation play a crucial role in determining the climate of an area. Temperature affects the type of vegetation and wildlife that can thrive in an area, while precipitation influences the availability of water for plant growth and other ecological processes. Together, these factors shape the overall ecosystem and habitat characteristics of a region.

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