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Q: What kind of graph represents data as parts of a whole?
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Which graph or chart represents data as part of a whole?

A pie graph represent data as a part of a whole, showing the separate portions of the data in accordance to the whole.

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is a?

A pie chart is a type of graph that shows data as parts of a circle. Each section of the pie represents a proportion of the whole data set. The size of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents.

The type of graph that shows data as parts or percentage of a whole is called?

pie graph

What kind of graph is most useful when you want to show data that are parts of a whole?

circle graph

Which type of graph shows how parts of a data set are related to the whole and to each other?

A graph that shows proportions of different parts (of a whole) is a Pie chart.

What is an example of data that could be displayed on a circle graph?

Parts of a whole.

What type of graph shows data as parts or percentages of a whole?

pie chart

Which type of graph shows the relative percents of the parts that make up the whole?

A pier chart is used to compare relative parts of a whole.

What graph shows the relationship of parts to the whole?

The pie chart shows the relationship of parts to the whole. A pie chart is a circular chart in which the circle is divided into groups. Each group visually represents an item in a data set to match the amount of the item as a percentage or fraction of the total data set.

What data is best displayed on a circle graph?

A circle graph, or pie chart is best used for showing parts of a whole.

Why are circle graphs used?

They are used to represents percentages, or parts of a whole. For example, if you wanted to survey people in regards to what phone company they used, you would express your data using a circle graph.

Why the sum of percents in a circle graph should always be 100?

The sum of percents in a circle graph should always be 100 because it represents the whole or 100% of the data being shown. The circle graph visually shows the proportional relationship of each individual category to the total. This helps in easily understanding the distribution of data across different categories.