No, only square numbers have an odd number of factors.
No. 24 has 3 as a factor. 30 has 15 as a factor.
Numbers with only two factors, the number itself and one, are called prime numbers. Examples of prime numbers are 2 (which is the only even prime number) and 17.
There are square numbers (numbers which are a square of an integer), such as 4. It's factors, listed are 1, 2, and 4. All square numbers have an odd number of factors. Then there's 1, which has only 1 factor: 1. All other numbers have an even number of factors. Prime numbers will have only 2 factors (2 is even).
Factors come in pairs. It is only in the case of a square number that the two middle factors are equal and so are counted only once.
No, only square numbers have an odd number of factors.
No. the factors may be both even but only one of them needs to be.
At least one of the factors of an even number must be even, because the product of odd factors is always odd.
No. 24 has 3 as a factor. 30 has 15 as a factor.
Numbers with only two factors, the number itself and one, are called prime numbers. Examples of prime numbers are 2 (which is the only even prime number) and 17.
The only even number that is prime is 2. No other even numbers can be prime because 2 is a factor of them. Prime numbers can have only two factors: 1 and itself.
no. 2 is the only even prime number. Prime numbers are numbers that only have two factors; one and itself. E.g. The number 7 only has two factors- 1x7=7. 2 is a factor of all even numbers, therefore no other even numbers are prime. They are composite. 2, however, is a prime number, as it's only factors are itself (2) and 1.
One number: 2. Its factors are 1 and 2. Any other number either has no even factors or at least two: 2 and itself. Now start paying attention in 4th grade math!
All even numbers are composite numbers except 2 which is the only even prime number because it has only two factors which are itself and one.
yes because even numbers only go into 2 4 6.....
100 is a kind of number that is composite because it has more than 2 factors whereas a prime number has only 2 factors. It is also an even number and a square number.
All prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one. Al prime numbers are odd numbers except for 2 which is the only even prime number.