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If the slopes of two lines are unequal, they will cross somewhere, so the distance between them depends on x, and isn't really defined.

If the slopes are equal, they are parallel, so they don't cross. So two lines are far apart if they have the same slope and a large difference in their x or y intercepts.

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Q: What kind of slopes gives you lines that are far apart?
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What kind of lines are they if both slopes are the same?

Parallel lines

What kind of slope give you lines that are close together and what kind gives lines that are far apart?

If the "contour interval" ... the elevation difference between lines ... is the same everywhere on the map, then the lines will be closer rogether on steep ground, and farther apart on flatter ground.

What kind of lines are always the same distant apart?

Parallel lines-lines in the same plane with the same slope.

What kind of slopes do perpendicular lines have?

The slopes of perpendicular lines are reciprocals of each other. For example. if one line had an equation like y= 2x+4 then the perpendicular's slope would be y=x/2+4 -- they are reciprocals of each other.

When can one tell when lines are perpendicular or parallel?

It depends on what kind of line you are dealing with.If you have the lines on paper...If they do not intersect, they are parallel.If they do, measure the angle. If it is 90° then they are perpendicular.If you have the equations of the lines. If the slopes are the same, but they have a different y-intercept, they are parallel.if the slopes are inverse reciprocals of each other (i.e. 2 and -.5) then they are perpendicular.■

What kind of slope gives you lines that are close together?


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Contour lines that are far apart indicate a gentle slope. Because contour lines connect points with the same elevation, wide spacing indicates that the elevation is not changing drastically.

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Italic printing slopes to the right, with the letters slanting to the right at an angle. Italic fonts are often used to emphasize text or for decorative purposes in design and typography.

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These are either VERY old mountains formed by the crust compressing or mountains formed by the crust slowly pulling apart over time.

This kind of mountain has weathered and rounded peaks and gentle slopes?


What is a kind of writing that slopes to the right?

Could be italic or possibly copperplate.

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Elements are identified from bright light line spectra by analyzing the unique pattern of emission lines produced when the element is heated. Each element emits a specific set of wavelengths of light, resulting in a distinct spectral fingerprint that can be compared to known spectra to determine the element present. This technique is known as spectroscopy and is commonly used in chemistry and astronomy.