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Q: What letter used in equations to represent voltage?
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"I" is the letter typically used to represent current in electrical equations.

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What letters can be used to represent voltage?

Officialy the letter E is used to represent voltage.Any letter or symbol that pleases you can be used to represent any quantity,just as long as you clearly define your symbols when you present your work toothers. Certainly, traditions and common usages have taken root, but there areno laws. If you feel like it, you can use the Hebrew צּ to represent the ratio ofa circle's circumference to its diameter. Just be sure that when you publish yourpaper, you clearly state that your צּ is everyone else's "pi". If you do that, thennobody can complain or kick you in your שּׁ

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The letter "M" is commonly used to represent speed in physics, specifically in equations related to velocity (v).

What does the letter n represent in maths?

In math, the letter "n" is commonly used as a variable to represent a number that is not specified. It is often used in equations and formulas to indicate a variable quantity that can take on different values.

When working with electric charge what symbol is used in equations to represent the electric field of an object?

The symbol used to represent the electric field in equations is ( \vec{E} ).

What is the symbol used in formulas to represent voltage?

The symbol is actually a letter. The original letter was an E which stood for Electromotive force. Now-days the E is substituted by the letter V which of course stands for voltage.

What does the letter E stand for in the Ohm's law formula?

Correct Answer= In the Ohm's law formula, the letter "E" stands for voltage(volt)AnswerThe symbol, E, together with the symbols V and U, is used to represent potential difference. Specifically, E is used to represent electromotive force or an open-circuit voltage, whereas V and U are used to represent potential differences in general.

What does the letter j stand for in science?

In science, the letter "j" does not typically represent a specific element or concept. It is simply part of the alphabet used to represent variables, quantities, or labels in equations, formulas, and scientific notation.

When working with electric charges what symbol is used equations to represent the charge of an object?

The symbol "Q" is commonly used in equations to represent the charge of an object. It can have positive or negative values and is measured in coulombs.