Oh honey, it's the letter 'N'. Just kidding, it's actually the letter 'N'. Noble gases are represented by the letter 'N' in the periodic table. Hope that clears things up for ya!
The letter "c" is used to represent the speed of light in a vacuum in physics equations.
Sodium for a chemist. NA can represent North America NA can represent Not Applicable (normally shown as n/a)
Usually the letter n stands for number, and it means some unspecified number.
n is a variable. It could mean any number you want it to. Most of the time, it is not specified what it is. Sometimes they give you clues about it, like "5 times n is 5." In this case n is 1.
In maths the symbols x and n are usually used to represent an unknown quantity. These may be referred to as a variable.
The letter "n".
answer is maths.
a is used as a symbol to represent a variable.
"North" The letter N whenever noticed on a map shows the direction of North Pole
What does the N represent in VBBN's
a,b,c. n is used alot. they are called varibles
words and maths...hm Well if you mean letters in math then they are pro numerals, which are used in algebra to represent numbers. Words in maths may represent numbers also, otherwise i am unsure
A capital letter, example, Ff, F would be the dominant letter. Also, in Nn, N will be the dominant letter because its capital and dominant