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Q: What letters have 2 parallel line segments?
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Parallel line segments are 2 line segments that are parallel. They never touch and they do not go on forever. Parallel lines do go on forever because lines go on forever. I think I'm right. Am I?

Yes, you are right. A line segment eventually ends. In fact, a segment has two endpoints. But parallel lines go on forever; they have no endpoints.Example: (arrows indicating they go on forever)_____________________ (these are parallel line segments)

What are parellel line segments?

When 2 line segments are parallel to each other. If the lines did keep on going they would never touch each other

Three more line segments connected so that the area is closed in?

whats a quadrilateral with 2 sides not parallel and 2 sides parallel

A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines?

A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel line segments is a parallelogram. Parallelograms include rectangles, rhombuses, and squares.

How many sets of parallel line segments make up the square above?


What letters can you make with 2 polygons by drawing 2 more line segments?

wat do you mean

How many letters in the English alphabet have parallel line segments?

It depends on the font. Using this font, I count 8 upper case letters: E F H I M N W Z and 2 Lower case letters: w z

What are 2 line segments that cross?

Intersecting line segments

Which alphabet letters can you make exactly 2 polygons by drawing 2 more line segments?

The letters X L T

How can you construct a parallelogram?

Use two line segments (line A and line B) with all points on line A equidistant from all points on line B; in otherwords, use 2 parallel lines. Choose two points on line A (points a and b). Now choose 2 points on line B (x and y) so that the distance of line ab equals the distance of line xy. Connect points a and y with a line segment ab and points b and z with a line segment bz. In simpler words, take two parallel line segments of equal length, and connect their endpoints with two other line segments.

Which 2 capital letters are formed with only 2 perpendicular line segments?

X and T because the they can still make the T shape and still be perpendicular

What are the 2 subset of a line?

line segments and rays