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Q: How can you show a gentle slope from a steep slope?
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How can you determine whether the contour on a tropographic map show a gradual slope?

You can tell if a landform has a steep or gentle slope by looking at it. If the hill is small, it is not steep. A steep slope would be at more of an incline.

Why does contour lines that show a steep cliff look different from contour lines that show a gentle slope?

one thing is that the countour lines that are steep cliff are more curved to the left side and the other ones the ones that show a gentle slope are curved to the right side

What type of slope will erode quicker a gentle slope or a steep slope?

A steep slope, due to the velocity of the water/runoff.

How can one tell if a slope is steep or gentle?

looking at it

What is the definitions of cues?

A ridge of limestone with a steep slope and a gentle slope on the other side

What is the name of a geological ridge characterized by a gentle slope facing a steep slope?

A geological ridge characterized by a gentle slope facing a steep slope is known as an anticline. It is a type of fold in rock formations where the layers of rock arch upward, creating a gentle slope on one side (the crest) and a steeper slope on the opposite side.

If Contour lines are close together the land has a gentle slope?

The closer the contours, the steeper the slope.

What is the definition of cues ta?

A ridge of limestone with a steep slope and a gentle slope on the other side

What is another name for a gentle slope?

A gentle slope is also known as a gradual incline or a slight gradient.

Which set of conditions would produce the most runoff of precipitation?

The most runoff of precipitation would occur in areas with saturated soil due to previous rainfall, steep slopes that promote water flow, impermeable surfaces like concrete or asphalt that prevent infiltration, and high-intensity rainfall events that exceed the soil's infiltration capacity.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.

How do contour lines show steep and gentle?

Contour lines are lines that join up points on a map that represent points on Earth's surface that have equal height. The distance between the contour lines gives an indication of how much the height changes over a horizontal distance. In other words it shows you how steep or gentle the slope is.As such a steep slope will be marked by closely spaced contour lines and a more gentle slope will have more widely spaced contour lines.