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Depends on the gradient or slope of the lines.

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Q: What line is steeper line 1 or line 2?
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Would a steeper line have a greater slope?

yes, because slope is rise over run, if you have a slope of 2, it goes up 2 and then over 1, if you have a slope of say, 6, it will go up 6 and then over 1

How does a gradient affect the steepness of the line?

The higher the gradient, the more steeper the line will be.

How does a line graph line with a steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

Which is steeper...a slope of -1 or a slope of -3?

A slope of -3 is steeper.

What number if used as a slope would produce a graph steeper than the function y -5x?

-- Any number less than -5 is a steeper line sloping down. -- Any number greater than +5 is a steeper line sloping up.

When the value of the slope gets bigger the graph of a line does what?

It gets steeper.

What does It mean when a contour line is closer to another?

It means the slope is steeper

Change in slope affects graph how?

makes line steeper or flatter

When measuring density what does a steeper line on your graph mean?

it is less dense

True or False the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve?

It is false that the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve. The steeper line is used in economics to indicate the inelastic demand curve.

How does a graph line with steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a line graph with a steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.