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Q: What lines are perpendicular to the floor?
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An example of perpendicular lines?

stand straight up against the floor. you are a perpendicular line to the floor since you make a 90degree with with the floor

How would you explain perpendicular lines to a second grade?

A line that is going straight up is perpendicular to the floor. A line that is leaning over is not perpendicular to the floor.

Examples in real life of perpendicular lines?

stand up... that is a perpendicular line right there. you are 90 degrees with respect to the floor.

Are perpendicular lines perpendicular to a third line?

Yes. Take a look at the corner of your room, where two walls meet the floor.

What does a polygon look like with perpendicular lines?

It has a 90degree angle. You should stand up and then notice that you are a perpendicular line to the floor since you are 90degrees to the floor if you stand exactly straight up.

What are vertical lines?

Vertical lines are lines that are drawn / made perpendicular to the horizon. In other words, they go "ceiling to floor", not "wall to wall" or "corner to corner."

Does perpendicular have parallel lines?

= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.

What is similar about perpendicular lines and intersecting lines?

Perpendicular lines intersect.

Does an equilateral have parallel lines or perpendicular lines?


How do examples of perpendicular lines look?

These lines are perpendicular: _|

What are non-perpendicular lines?

Lines that aren't perpendicular

Does a rectangle have perpendicular lines and parallel lines?
