

Best Answer

A lot.

This isn't good at all and you should speak to your local GP.

It may cause...

  • lung damage
  • liver damage
  • blood shot eyes / bad breath / teeth etc
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Q: What long term damage would be done from smoking meth everyday 0.5 - 1.0g pure for 1 yr in late 20s male also been heavy drinker half to 1 bottle scotch daily and has smoked weed daily last 5 yr?
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No, that's one of the few things it doesn't hurt!

How can smoking damage you?

Smoking can damage in many ways You can have lung cancer you look ugly

How can smoking damage the human heart?

No but it will damage the human lungs

What damage can be caused be smoking marijuana?

=== ===

What damage can be caused by smoking marijuana?

why are you asking?

How can smoking damage a relationship?

with death lol

WDhat happens to someone who is a heavy drinker an smoker?

Alcohol poisoning, liver damage. Bad stuff.

How does the damage done by spit tobacco differ from the damage caused by smoking cigarettes?

the smell

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Why should you avoid smoking?

Because smoking has been proven to damage your health to the point of premature fatality.

What does crack smoking do to pregnancy?

Smoking 'crack' while pregnant can seriously damage your baby or worse kill it!

What damage can smoking do to a persons brain?

not much more than I can.