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Q: What looks like a rectangle pushed to one side?
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It looks like a rectangle that has been pushed to one side?

It is a parallelogram.

What looks like a rectangle that has been pushed to one side?

A rectangle without right angles is a parallelogram. If you had a square that was pushed over, it would be a rhombus.

What is 90 degrees look like?

A side on any square or rectangle -- improvement -- Not quite. 90 degrees looks like the junction of two sides of a square or rectangle.

What does a parallelogram prism look like?

A parallelogram prism (or parallelpiped) is a 3D parallelogram, so it looks like a cuboid pushed to the side.

What is the difference of a side view of a rectangular pyramid and a top down - view of rectangular pyramid?

The difference is 90 degrees.The side view looks like a triangle.The top view looks like a rectangle with its diagonals.

Show me what 10 sq feet looks like?

Draw a rectangle that is 2ft on one side, and 5ft on the other

What do a parallelgram look like?

A parallelogram looks like a rectangle that's starting to fall over so that the two side walls are angled.

If a 3D box looks like a rectangle from the side view and looks like a circle from the top view then the gift box is most likely shaped like a what?

It's a cylinder. Look at

A switch plate for a standard wall plate has the shape of a golden rectangle the longest side of the switch plate is 114mm how long is the shortest side?

It looks like 68 mm

What is a shape has to circle faces on the top and bottom and has a rectangle as the front and side?

This is a cylinder. When seen from the top or bottom it is a circle. From any side view (360°) it looks like a rectangle. There are special cases of other solids that appear like this but the cylinder is the most common. Traneengineer, Rocklin, CA

What is a shape that looks like a rectangle but has a slant on the right hand side?

its a trapezoid. the slant doesn't necessarily have to be on the right hand side, both sides can be slanted and it would still be a trapezoid.

What is the metal thing that goes side to side once pushed and the triangular base behind it looks scientific?

Pendulum? Metronome?