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It's a cylinder. Look at

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Q: If a 3D box looks like a rectangle from the side view and looks like a circle from the top view then the gift box is most likely shaped like a what?
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How does a net drawing look like for a cylinder?

it looks like a rectangle in the middle of two circles. the first circle is on the top of the rectangle other circle is on the bottom

What is the shape that looks like a circle from top and a triangle from the side?

Cone shaped

What is The milky is shaped like?

Well the shape looks a lot like a circle spiral...

Which two states are almost perfect rectangles?

Colorado looks like a perfect rectangle. If you closely to the border with Utah it has a few squiggles. Wyoming is also shaped like a rectangle but it has slight deviations as well.

What is a shape has to circle faces on the top and bottom and has a rectangle as the front and side?

This is a cylinder. When seen from the top or bottom it is a circle. From any side view (360°) it looks like a rectangle. There are special cases of other solids that appear like this but the cylinder is the most common. Traneengineer, Rocklin, CA

What does bacilli look like?

Bacilli looks like a rod shaped rectangle, with long strings coming out of it from all sides. it is resonably long and has blue and green spots on it.

How looks the 360 degree in a circle draw?

it looks like a circle

What do you call a squished rectangle?

A parallelogram looks like a squashed over rectangle.

What are red blood cell shaped like?

Well, it's red from hemoglobin inside the cells. It looks like a circle with a dent in the middle, sort of like a donut.

How do a rectangle look?

It looks pretty square but stretched out.

What does a rectangle prism looks like?

A smooth brick.

What does 25 square foot look like?

There is no particular shape that it looks like. It could be a circle with a radius of 2.8209 ft (approx), or it could be a rectangle with a length of 25,000,000 ft and a width of 0.000001 ft.