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parellel line

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Q: What made of two lines that perpendicular to each other?
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Is v a perpendicular line?

A 'v' does not make a perpendicular line. Perpendicular lines meet each other at a ninety degree angle, whereas the angle made by the two lines in a 'v' is closer to forty-five degrees. A letter that has two perpendicular lines is the letter 'T'.

What is made of two lines that are perpendicular to each other?

right angles where they cross

What shapes have perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a 90-degree angle. In two dimensions, perpendicular lines form right angles, which are commonly found in the shape of a square, rectangle, or any other quadrilateral with perpendicular sides. In three dimensions, perpendicular lines can form the edges of a cube or rectangular prism.

What was the triangle made out of?

Three perpendicular lines

What are vertical lines?

Vertical lines are lines that are drawn / made perpendicular to the horizon. In other words, they go "ceiling to floor", not "wall to wall" or "corner to corner."

How does a square have perpendicular lines?

Right angles are made up of perpendicular lines. A square has four of them.

Do perpendicular lines have arrows at the end?

Yes because perpendicular line our made out of lines that go on forever so yah it has to have arrows

Is rectangle the answer to the question you are made of two lines that are perpendicular to each other?

idk i dont feel like answering stupid questions like that right now!! :-/ u suck!! lol

How many perpendicular lines does a circle have?

A circles has no perpendicular lines. Perpendicular lines are two straight lines that join forming 90 degree angles. They are found in squares, rectangles, and right-angled triangles. A circle is made by one line that is not straight but is curved. If you drew a circle, rectangle, right-angled triangle, or cross in the circle, then the circle would contain perpendicular lines. But the circle itself would have no perpendicular lines.

What is an angle made by perpendicular lines?

90 degree or Right Angle

What makes two lines perpendicular what do they look like?

Perpendicular lines are ones that make right angles when they meet. For instance the letters T H E and L are all made of perpendicular line segments.

Is a rectangle parallel or perpendicular?

Rectangles are made up of 2 sets of parallel lines, which are perpendicular to one another.