

Best Answer

Even an accounting major is going to have to write essays.

If you're not good at essay writing, you essentially have two choices:

  1. get good at essay writing.
  2. stop even considering a "major" and instead join the workforce in the wonderful world of manual labor.
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Q: What majors can you do if you are good at algebra but not essay writing besides accounting?
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What is the reason why do you study mathematics specially college algebra?

Colleges have decided that even if you are not a math or science major the study of college algebra will provide you with a more rounded education. Just like why math majors have to take literature, music appreciation, art appreciation, sociology etc.

What are the top three brainy majors?

The top three brainy majors are any form of engineering, any form of math, or most majors in math.

What majors are best suited for people who are good at math but bad at writing papers and essays?

None, all students are required by school policy to take general education courses which has writing components in them. Although writing skills are not a strong indicator for a successful career in the workplace as well as in school subjects, you need to at least know how to write a resume, a memo and an email. If you cannot do these, then hewston, we have a problem.

What are some college majors?

Every college has different majors, and all should have a list of the majors they have available on their websites. Here are some common majors: Art History Math Economics Communications Pre-med Pre-law Dance Theater English Biology Chemistry Physics Computer Science Engineering

What majors are good for people who are good at math but are bad at programming biology and writing skills?

Basically anything related to engineering or science - except computer-related subjects. Engineering majors are those that have the name "engineering" in their names, and a few who don't - such as economy and architecture. You probably shouldn't be afraid of programming; if you are good at math, you should be able to learn that, as well. At least the basic subjects which you are likely to encounter in any engineering course. Also, you'll need SOME writing skills for ANY higher-level career; once again, there is really no reason to be afraid of it. While you might not get a prize for your writing style, you should still be able to write simple reports on your work, for example.

Related questions

What types of subjects and majors are you good at if you are good at mathematics besides economics?

Accounting, Business and Engineering

What majors are good for people who are good at and love algebra?

Engineering(except software and electrical) Accounting Economics Mathematics Physics Chemistry

Why should you need basic accounting as a business student?

Basic accounting is a requirement for all business majors.

What majors are good for people who are good at and enjoy math besides accounting?

A number of post-secondary options are available to someone with a preference for math. Engineering, finance, economics, and computer science are some options.

Why is managerial accounting relevant to accounting majors and their future careers?

Managerial accounting mostly concerns the use of accounting information to business managers so they can make better informed financial decisions about the company. This is relevant to all accounting majors and their future careers, because even if they do not intend to enter a management position, they need to know how to relay this information to various management positions.

What are some colleges that you can go to that majors in math?

Try engineering. That's lot of geometry and algebra.

What majors are offered at Aurora University?

"Aurora University offers forty majors. Some of the majors are Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Computer Science, History, Nursing, Parks and Recreation, and Spanish."

What are the best university majors for people who are math but bad at writing?

In general, no matter what major you take, you need to do a lot of writing. However, it's mostly the humanities and social sciences that require a ton of writing(as well as sciences like biology, and biology related majors). The science, economics and engineering majors have less writing in them.

What writing style used by business majors?


How many majors are offered at howard university?

Howard University offers numerous majors through their multiple campuses. Some of the majors offered include accounting, allied health services, chemical engineering, and music composition.

What college majors require the most writing?

english litrature

What are the top three majors at Gardner Webb university?

science in nursing pastoral ministries program accounting