When going from one number to the next in Gray Code 1 bit only ever changes, whereas with binary more than 1 bit could change.
The reflected binary code, also known as Gray codeafter Frank Gray, is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.Here is an example of a 4-bit Gray code:0000000100110010011001110101010011001101111111101010101110011000
Converting Gray Code to Binary1). Write down the number in gray code.2). The most significant bit of the binary number is the most significant bitof the gray code.3). Add (using modulo 2) the next significant bit of the binary number to thenext significant bit of the gray coded number to obtain the next binary bit.4). Repeat step 3 till all bits of the gray coded number have been added inmodulo 2. The resultant number is the binary equivalent of the gray number.Converting Binary to Gray Code1). Write down the number in binary code.2). The most significant bit of the gray number is the most significant bitof the binary code.3). Add (using modulo 2) the next significant bit of the binary number to thenext significant bit of the binary number to obtain the next gray coded bit.4). Repeat step 3 till all bits of the binary coded number have been added inmodulo 2. The resultant number is the gray coded equivalent of the binarynumber.
Each image has a certain number of pixels depending on the size (ex: 5mp camera takes shots that contain 5,000,000 pixels of color). The conversion begins from left to right, top to bottom, similar to reading words on a page. The first pixel is first converted into it's color code (a six digit code that all colors on a chart are organized by), and then that six digit code is converted into a binary string. So if the first pixel is medium gray, the color code is 646464, that code is then converted to binary using the binary numbering system. So 6=110 and 4=100, so the first medium gray pixel is 110100110100110100, then the next pixel is translated in the same manner and the string is continued. So if you had a 5mp medium gray image, the binary string would contain 80 million digits of 1s and 0s. Different color images would create larger strings
Jamesgates discovered binary code instringtheory
You can are ASCII-tabellen. For converting binary to text
BCD codes,gray code,error detecting code,ASCII character code,Excess 3 code
The Gray Code is a type of binary code developed by a programmer named Frank Gray. Gray code is a binary numeral system that differ than normal binary code, and is used widely to detect errors in software.
The reflected binary code, also known as Gray codeafter Frank Gray, is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.Here is an example of a 4-bit Gray code:0000000100110010011001110101010011001101111111101010101110011000
gray code is one which changes one bit at a time but binary code is one which changes one or more bit at a time. for example three bit binary and gray code the left one is binary and the right one is gray code.binary gray000 000001 001010 011011 010100 110101 111110 101111 100000 000
Gray Code is Reflective Binary code. One of the main disadvantages of Gray code is that it is very difficult to come up with an arithmetic logic unit to support Gray code.
gray code is one which changes one bit at a time but binary code is one which changes one or more bit at a time. for example three bit binary and gray code the left one is binary and the right one is gray code.binary gray000 000001 001010 011011 010100 110101 111110 101111 100000 000
characteristic of Gray code
I do not believe that is a valid binary number. All binary numbers must be divisible by 8
Converting Gray Code to Binary1). Write down the number in gray code.2). The most significant bit of the binary number is the most significant bitof the gray code.3). Add (using modulo 2) the next significant bit of the binary number to thenext significant bit of the gray coded number to obtain the next binary bit.4). Repeat step 3 till all bits of the gray coded number have been added inmodulo 2. The resultant number is the binary equivalent of the gray number.Converting Binary to Gray Code1). Write down the number in binary code.2). The most significant bit of the gray number is the most significant bitof the binary code.3). Add (using modulo 2) the next significant bit of the binary number to thenext significant bit of the binary number to obtain the next gray coded bit.4). Repeat step 3 till all bits of the binary coded number have been added inmodulo 2. The resultant number is the gray coded equivalent of the binarynumber.
OK. I have it. What now ?
The best way is with a lookup table.
Gray code is a 'reflected code', why is it named so will be illustrated soon. The advantage of Gray code over binary code is that only one bit in the code group changes when going from one number to the next. By, Ashish Kumar (Roh, Nawada, Bihar)