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A good math teacher is one who can explain numbers, and the various calculations of numbers, in terms that relate to real things and real situations. All mathematics must be learned (and therefore, taught) this way to be of any value.

For instance, a student might ask "Which is greater, 1/4 (one quarter) or 1/6 (one sixth)?"

Most math teachers will then explain that by giving each fraction a common denominator of twelve, then 1/4 becomes 3/12 (three twelfths) and 1/6 becomes 2/12 (two twelfths) and 3 is more than 2 and blah, blah, blah....

A good math teacher will tell you to take two pizzas, cut one into four pieces, and cut the other into six pieces, but...(dramatic pause) can only have one piece - either one of four (1/4), or one of six (1/6). You will soon discover which is greater.

A really good math teacher will buy the pizzas.

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