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Percentages are easier for some purposes, harder for other.

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Q: What makes percent easier than fractions?
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Why is it easier to compare percent than fractions?

Because percentages are essentially the numerators of fractions with the same denominator, 100.

25 percent out of 5000?

Calculating fractions is easier than it looks.To find 25 percent of something, well, that is half of 50%. So....50% of 5000 would be 2500. 1/2 of that would be 1250.Breaking things down into their smaller portions makes it easier. For example, to multiply something by 12, multiply first by 10, then by 2. Then add those two together.

Why were fractions invented?

Fractions were invented because it wass easier to write 1/3 than 0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333 --> with infinite-∞

Why is it easier to use fractions or decimals insted of percentages?

Because that it s harder to work out percentages than fractions and decimals

When doing fractions why is it easier to multiply and divide fractions than add and substract fractions?

It is easier to multiply or divide fractions than to add or subtract fractions because in multiplication, you just have to multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator. Same applies with division of fractions, except that you have to reciprocate the fraction you're dividing with (divisor) then proceed to multiplication. Whereas, in addition and subtraction of fractions, you still have to get their Least Common Denominator (LCD).

How are percent related to an improper fraction?

A value can be stated as a percent or a fraction. Improper fractions will be greater than 100 percent.

How do you make fractions and decimals greater than a percent?

Multiply them by a number greater than 100.

Why does finding a common denominator make it easier to compare fractions?

You might think that 1/4 is greater than 1/3 because 4 is greater than 3. If you know that 1/3 = 4/12 and 1/4 = 3/12, it makes them easier to compare.

Why are decimals easier to compare than fractions?

Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.

When is a percent more preferred to be used over fractions or decimals?

When working with statistics, or otherwise when presenting numbers to others, I'd say.It's easier to imagine the "meaning" of percentages, than some of the more difficult fractions, or long unwieldy decimal numbersWhilst calculating though, fractions (or decimals, if you can get them to be exact without having a page full ;P) are allways better.

Why is multiply and divide fractions is important?

because it is easier than adding and subtracting so many times??

Can we use improper fraction in daly life?

Yes, we can. And in most cases, they are easier than using mixed fractions.