Decimals are fractions. Fractions are easy to picture graphically. Considering them in a concrete fashion makes the basic operations of addition and subtraction easy to visualize.
Proper fractions are less than 1. Improper fractions are greater than 1. For a proper fraction to become an improper fraction, you would have to add a quantity that would make it greater than 1.
You can multiply it by the denominator of the fraction you want to turn it in to. For example, .125 * 8 = 1, therefore, 1/8 = .125. Keep in mind that only some decimals can be made into simplified fractions. For example, .453 can be represented in simplest form as 453/1000.
I think that is a typo, and you meant fraction, so: The way to make percentages into fractions is to simply put the number percent as the numerator, and 100% as the denominator unless the problem specifically states that the percent is out of a larger number. So: 75/100 would be the fraction, but if you wanted to simplify it it would be 3/4.
It is 9.4%, because for making decimals percents all you gotta do it move the decimal point over two to the right, and there you got it! Here's another example. What is 0.38 as a percentage? Well, just do what I said. Move the decimal point over two to the right. You can always ask on the Internet too. You should just type in "How to make decimals into percents." I hope this works for you!
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
Fractions to Decimals to percent Example- For example the fraction is 4/7. You divide the numerator by the denominator and you get 0.571. If you want it into a percent, (Percent= out of 100) You multiply the decimal by 100 and you get 57.1%
Decimals are fractions. Fractions are easy to picture graphically. Considering them in a concrete fashion makes the basic operations of addition and subtraction easy to visualize.
put it in order from decimals as in first make the fraction in decimals and put them in order you desire :)
Try to make those fractions into decimals. Three fourths is 0.75 and two thirds is between 0.66 and 0.67
Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator, using long division if necessary, to get a decimal fraction. Move the decimal point two places to the right and append a percent symbol for a percentage.
Take the numerator (top number of the fraction) and divide it by the denominator (bottom number of the fraction).
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! .3 percent is greater than .15 percent. You see, when you have more parts of something, it makes it bigger and more special. Just like adding more happy little trees to your painting can make it even more beautiful!
3.5 and 7.9846 are two. Their sum is 11.4846 is greater than 1.
Fractions and decimals are alike because you can make a fraction into a decimal (here's an exanple; 1/2 can be made into 0.5) and vice versa. The only difference is the different forms they are written in; a fraction is written in fraction form and a decimal is written in decimal form.
The terms "composite" vs. "prime" apply to whole numbers. They don't make sense for decimals or fractions.
Any fraction which, in its simplest form, has a denominator which has any factor other than 1, 2 or 5.