

What makes us alive?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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9y ago

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While there is no singular definition for what makes organisms alive, there is a set of criteria by which most people follow. Being alive consists of the ability to reproduce asexually are sexually, the ability to grow, the ability to maintain homeostasis, metabolism, the ability to adapt in response to environment, and response to any stimuli.

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well, when God created the heavens and the earth, He made us, in His own image. He blew breath of life, which is the soul. so all humans have a soul which makes us alive. and eyes are the windows of our soul. our soul will never die. it is alive and never dying. our bodys die, but not our soul. (if you sit and think about that we have a soul, its really amazing.) and so what makes life alive, is God. God controls everything. the earth, us, the universe. it all revolves around Him. and God made everything on earth alive, to breath, to think, to function, and grow. without God, life would exsist, we wouldnt be here, we wouldnt be alive. and God gave us the ability to understand life, that God does exsist, and that we are alive, and life here on earth isnt forever, but will be eternal with God forever if you accept Him as savior.but people just dont want to believe and understand. there eyes are so closed, and only think about themselves. but that is not the purpose of life. God is. We will understand what makes life alive once we understand what brought us here on earth, and that is God who did.

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