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Q: What mass of lead has the same volume as 1600 kg of petrol?
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What mass of lead has the same volume as 1600kg of petrol?

Lead has a density of approximately 11,343 kg/m^3 while petrol has a density of about 730 kg/m^3. To find the mass of lead that has the same volume as 1600 kg of petrol, we can use the formula: Mass = Volume x Density. So, the mass of lead would be (1600 kg x 730 kg/m^3) / 11,343 kg/m^3 = approximately 103 kg.

Which is more dense petrol or kerosene?

Petrol is more dense than kerosene. Density is a measure of mass per unit volume, and petrol is more dense because it has a higher mass per unit volume compared to kerosene.

The density of petrol is 0.8gcm If the mass of petrol in a can is 4kg how many liters of petrol are there in the can?

To find the volume of petrol in the can, first convert the mass from kg to grams: 4 kg = 4000 g. Then, divide the mass by the density to find the volume: 4000 g / 0.8 g/cm³ = 5000 cm³. Convert this volume to liters by dividing by 1000: 5000 cm³ / 1000 = 5 liters. Therefore, there are 5 liters of petrol in the can.

What is the volume of a block of lead with the mass of 282.5 g?

Density = Mass/Volume so Volume = Mass/Density The density of lead is 11.3 grams per cm3 so volume = 282.5/11.3 = 25 cm3

What mass of lead occupies the same volume of 100g of aluminum?

Lead has a higher density compared to aluminum. So, to find the mass of lead that occupies the same volume as 100g of aluminum, you would first calculate the volume of the aluminum using its density. Then, you would find the mass of lead that occupies the same volume by using the density of lead.

What is the density of a lead chess piece with a mass of 51.4 and 55 ml in volume?

The density of the lead chess piece can be calculated by dividing its mass (51.4 g) by its volume (55 ml). Density = mass/volume. Therefore, the density of the lead chess piece is approximately 0.935 g/ml.

Does water have a greater mass than lead?

water has less density than lead. Mass depends on its volume

What is the mass of 100 milliliters of lead in grams?

The mass of the lead will depend upon the density of the lead which depends upon the temperature of the lead. Assuming near room temperature the density of lead is 11.34 g/ml. density = mass / volume → mass = volume × density = 100 ml × 11.34 g/ml = 1134 g.

What element has a mass of 170.1 and a volume of 16.2 ml what material is it?

The element with a mass of 170.1 and a volume of 16.2 ml is most likely lead (Pb). Lead has a density of 11.34 g/cm³, which would fit the given mass and volume measurements.

What metal has a mass of 35.4 and a volume of 3.11?

A sample of an unknown metal has a mass of 35.4g and a volume of 3.11cm^3. The metal is Lead.

What material of mass 39has a volume of 5 cm?


How does 1kg of lead have the same density as 1kg of polystyrene?

Both 1kg of lead and 1kg of polystyrene have the same mass, despite lead being much denser than polystyrene. Density is defined by mass divided by volume, so if the mass is the same, the volume must differ to maintain the same density. In this case, the volume of lead will be significantly smaller than the volume of polystyrene, making them have the same density.