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Q: What material do you need to are need to measure the density of chalk?
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How many ltrs in tonne?

it depends on what you have a tonne of Tonne is a measure of mass. Litrs is a measure of volume. To convert between the two you need the density of the material - which means you have to pick a material and find its density before you can do the conversion.

How can you calculate volume when given density?

You need also the mass of the material: volume = mass/density. After you measure the mass of the object, then divide by the density, to find volume.

How many cups makeup 25 pounds?

"Cups" is a measure of volume; "pounds" is a measure of weight. You would need to specify the material, or at least the density of the material, for us to calculate this.

How many mg equals 2cc?

Milligrammes is a measure of weight. Cubic centimetres (cc) is a measure of volume. To be able to find the weight in mg for 2cc of material, you will need to know density of that material.

What equipment is needed to find out the density?

To find out the density of a material, you will need a balance to measure the mass of the material, and a ruler to measure its volume. The equipment required varies depending on the state of the material (solid, liquid, or gas). Additional equipment such as a graduated cylinder or displacement method may be needed for liquids.

What is the formula for ml to mg?

There is no general conversion, since they measure different things (volume versus mass). You need to know the density of a specific material to do the conversion for that material, and apply the formula: mass = volume x density

How do you calculate mass of a ball?

To calculate the mass of a ball, you would typically use the density of the material the ball is made of and its volume. The formula to calculate mass is mass = density x volume. You would need to know the density of the material and measure the volume of the ball to determine its mass.

How many kilometers are in a metric ton?

A metric ton is equal to 1,000 kilograms. To convert this to kilometers, you would need to know the specific density or volume of the material being measured. The conversion would be dependent on the material's density.

What measures solid density?

Density = Mass / Volume. There is not an instrument that will measure both so you will need to measure them separately and calculate the density.

How many tablespoons in 3000mg?

Grams is a measurement of mass, while teaspoons are a measurement of volume. In order to convert between them, you would need to specify the density of the material, or identify the material so that we can look up or calculate its density.

What is the density of 101 grams?

Density is a measure of mass per unit volume, so to determine the density of 101 grams, you need to know the volume of the object or material that weighs 101 grams. Once you have the volume, you can calculate the density by dividing the mass (101 grams) by the volume.

What things must you know to find the density of a material?

To find the density of a material all you need to know is the mass and volume of the substance. if you knw the mas and volume...finding out the density is very simple...all you need to do is mass/volume and you will have the density of that substance!