

Best Answer
  • The artist mostly use geometry like all basic shapes to make darwing and paintings easy.
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Q: What mathematical concepts does an artist use on a regular basis?
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Uses of Boolean Algebra?

Boolean Algebra is a type of math in which the values of the variables are true and false. The algebra is the basis for digital logic, computer programming and mathematical logic.

Why is mathematics categorized into pure and applied?

Applied mathematics focuses on the application of mathematical principles to real world problems, and even some abstract problems. Engineering, theoretical physics, and computer science all make use of applied mathematics, and frequently firms of these types will employ mathematicians to supplement their group of employees. I.e. some video game developers employ mathematicians for complex physics modeling equations. Some physicists seek the help of mathematicians to provide rigorous proofs and other mathematical support for abstract concepts. Pure math is the study of math, with the goal being the improvement of the foundations or concepts of math. Pure math is the study of the underlying mechanisms that cause mathematical techniques to work, the improvement and justification of these techniques and development of new techniques all fall under pure math. I.e. developing a substitute for traditional trigonometry would be pure math(chose that example because someone recently did that). They also analyze abstract math problems and see what concepts could apply to them or why they work. The *are separated for the same reason physics and engineering are separated. It would be less efficient to focus on both the development of mathematical concepts and ways to apply these concepts to the real world. Too much workload for most students. In the same vein a physicist doesn't have time to learn all the technology and applications of physics to eliminate the job of an engineer, even though the physicist probably has a better understanding of the physics that the engineer would use on a daily basis. I'm sure there are places to improve this answer. Please feel free.

What is the difference between discuss and analysis?

A discussion reflects on the overall themes and ideas of subject. During analysis, the general concepts are broken down into smaller points and examined one by one. This can include agreeing or refuting the basis of the points.

Why should we eat at regular intervals?

in order to supply the body with nutrients for energy on an ongoing basis to stop it from having to fall back on internal supply's and to build and maintain it.

The key to effective project control is to measure production quality and compare it to efficiency measures on a timely and regular basis and to take necessary corrective action immediately?


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Yes, there are many artist groups that meet just to paint. Check your local community college to see if they have any information on these groups.

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no, makeup artist was paid on a commission basis.

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well artist just start thinking of new ideas to start another painting

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