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You can take any math you want in High School that is at your level. Most of the available classes for most schools are Intro to Algebra I, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, pre-Calculus, and Calculus (not always offered). As long as you take any of these maths (the amount in years varies from place to place), and pass, you can graduate from high school.

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Q: What maths do you take in high school?
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the levels of maths in high school range from level 5 to level 9

Will algebra class in regular high school transfer to pennfoster high school as your general maths?

Only if your teacher is a Philistine.

How long do you have to be in high school to be a math teacher?

High school qualifications are not enough to teach maths, you need a university degree.

Why is high school maths so hard?

it is not hard at all but in high school students are intrested in fashion more then studies.

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you must take maths english garage department and science and realy focus