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Our planet is measured in miles (diameter)

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Q: What means Earth Measurement?
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Related questions

What is the definition of geometry?

It means land or earth measurement.

What is the etymology of the word geometry?

Literally, its origins lie in the measurement of the Earth. Measurement in the sense of the area of a field, or the length of a road. "Geo" means Earth and "Metra" means measurement. Both of these words are Ancient Greek in origin.

What is the deffinition of geomentry?

Geometry means land or earth measurement

What are the two greek words were geometry comes from?

greek geometria means the measurement of earth or land from ge "earth, land" and metria "to measure."

What is the definition of linear measurement?

Linear measurement just means measurement of length in a straight line

What does elevation mean in terms of Antarctica?

Elevation -- a measurement of height above sea level in this case -- means the same in Antarctica as it does on any continent on earth.

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What does metrology mean?

Metrology is the science of measurement.

What is the math that deals with measurement of earth?

The scientific term that refers to the measurement and representation of the Earth actually has two different names. These terms are geodesy and geodetics.

What does the Greek word geo mean?

It comes from the ancient Greek for mother. Mother Earth is an old belief.

What is 6 0?

This is a measurement used to record the height of a person. This specific measurement means that a person is 6 foot tall.