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Q: What measurement device is used to take the circumference of the body?
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Which measuring device is used to take the circumference of the body?

which measurement device is used tot take the circumference of the body

Which measuring device is used to take the circumference of the body.?

A tape measure.

Which measure device is used to take the circumference of the body?

A tape measure.

What is the circumference of a shark?

The circumference of a shark is the distance or measurement it is around. If you take a tape measure, put it by the fin that sticks out of the water, wrap it around (by its stomach) until it touches where you started, get a reading on the tape, that would be the circumference.

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The package usually has a measurement you should take - often the circumference of the calf and the length from knee to foot. With these measurements, you can determine the size you need. Or, you can guess and try them out.

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The sun is significantly larger than Jupiter. The sun's diameter is approximately 109 times larger than that of Jupiter, making it around 1.3 million times more massive than the gas giant.

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Why do tailors use a measuring tape instead of scale to take body measurement?

because it is difficult to meausure from scale.

What is the diameter of a circle with circumference of 116?

36.92 just take the circumference and divide it by pi

What is the circumference of 7?

when you say just 7 that means a point. you can not take a circumference of jsut 7. when you take the circumference you need a circle. if your circle was radius of 7 then your circumference would be 2*pi*7 2*pi*7 = 43.96 units