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You only need to know the length of one side. Knowing the side length (s) you can find the area (multiply s by s) and perimeter (multiply s by 4)

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Q: What measurements do you need to find the area and perimeter of a square?
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The lengths of the base and the side. You would multiply these to get the area and would double sum of the two to obtain the perimeter measurement.

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you need length and width length multiply width = area length + length + width + width = perimeter

If you know a perimeter of a square but not the length or width how do you find the area?

Divide the perimeter by 4 and then square the result to find the area of the square.

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Are you serious ? For a square: Perimeter = 4 times sqrt(area)

What measurements do you need to find the area of a square?

The measurements that you need to find the area of a square is Area = Length x Width.

How do you get area of a square with perimeter?

divide the perimeter by four to get the length of one side then square your answer to find the area

How can you find the perimeter of a square if you know the area?

You square-root the area

How do you get the answer for what is the perimeter of a square with area 324?

you divide the area by four and now you can find the perimeter

How do you find the perimeter of a square if you have its area?

-- The perimeter of the square is [4 times the length of one side] . -- The length of one side of the square is [square root of its area] .

How do you find the area of a square if given a perimeter?

The perimeter of a square is the measurement of all the external sides, of which there are of course 4. We also know that for a square all of these 4 sides are of equal length. Therefore if we divide the perimeter by 4 we get the length of one side. If you then square this length (multiply it by itself) you get the area of the square. so if the perimeter measurements was 40 units 40/4 gives you the length of one side = 10 units and 10*10 gives you the area of the square - 100 square units. thus generically the area of a square with a perimeter of 'x' = (x/4)2

How do you find the perimeter of an object that the area is 36?

If it's a square, the perimeter is 24.