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Don't make graphs misleading!

As for the answer: different scales, leaving out points, drawing extra lines with no meaning, confusing labels, ...

Most graphs you see online are misleading, few are really good.

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Q: What might be used to make a graph misleading?
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What is the purpose of a misleading graph?

It is used to trick people into believing that something is fine or not fine. Either for own personal gain or advancement in some field for investment. Its a lie, not true, not accurate, misleading.

What type of graph might be used to show a prediction of how a trend may continue in the future?

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a bar graph would be best I might say

Why do you need coordinates?

They are used to map points on a graph and are used to make real maps as well as graph probabilities and distances.

How do you make a misleading graph?

The most obvious is to be selective in the data that is used to make a graph. Suppose I want to show how much more money I am making, I might chose to show my income. However, if I really want to show that I was doing well, I should also show my expenses. I can also be selective in the time period or in the way I average the data. In the previous example, perhaps I show my income as dollars per month, and don't show how many months I worked. The graph might look like I'm making more, but the opposite could be true if you don't know how many months I have been working. If you want to show that students arrive late to school, you might pick a period where there is a bad storm. You can change the scales on your graph to distort the correct interpretation. See related link for more examples.

Why do you need coordinate planes?

They are used to map points on a graph and are used to make real maps as well as graph probabilities and distances.

What is a website to help kids make a graph?

create a graph is a great website for that! i used it when i was younger for a project. (:

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pi ( π ) which is 3.14

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how misleading reasoning is used to influence others

How do you use the word graph in sentence?

Graph can be used in a variety of sentences that make sense, say like, "When you want to graph prices at a store monthly or yearly, use a line graph."

What noticeable trend might be used from a graph to make a conclusion?

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