1997 or 1998, depends what day it is now to the month you were born
12 now. Until 700 BC there were 10 months in a year! August was the sixth month of the year. January and February were added.
It is February in a non-leap year now. There are 28 days in the month and so 28*18 = 504 miles
Because in the early Roman calendar there were only 10 months in a year with September being the 7th month and October being the 8th month. Julius Caesar added an extra 2 months to the year which we call the Julian Calendar which now had 12 months to the year and with some modificatios by Pope Gregory we still use it today.
The PG started in WWE on June 24, 2007. Now that PG has went WWE is not as good.
The film was released August 15, 1979 .
martin sheen
Apocalypse Now
The duration of Apocalypse Now is 2.55 hours.
Apocalypse Now was released on 08/15/1979.
Apocalypse Now was created on 1979-08-15.
Apocalypse Now was released on 08/15/1979.
The duration of Apocalypse Now Redux is 3.37 hours.
Apocalypse Now Redux was created on 2001-05-11.
Apocalypse Now - album - was created on 1999-08-24.