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soil mositure maybe recharged

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Q: What most likely will happen to soil moisture when precipitation is greater than potential transpriation?
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What is a climate ratio?

Climate ratio is used to describe the moisture side of climate. It compares the precipitation (P) with the potential evapotranspiration (Ep) for a region. One way to do this is to express the relationship between them as a ratio using the formula: Climate ratio = P / Ep When the potential evaporation is greater than yearly precipitation, this ratio is less than 1. When precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration, the ratio is greater than 1. P: precipitation (in mm) or the amount of moisture available for evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration is the combined process of evaporation and plant respiration. Ep: potential evapotranspiration (in mm) or the amount of moisture needed for evapotranspiration. This value increases as temperature and plant life increase. The climate ratios are used to determine climate type: P/Ep: Less than 0.4: arid climate 0.4 - 0.8: semiarid climate 0.8 - 1.2: subhumid climate Greater than 1.2: humid climate Source: NOAA

When does an arid or semiarid occur?

An arid or semiarid climate occurs in regions with low precipitation levels, typically less than 10-20 inches (250-500 mm) per year. These regions often experience high temperatures and have limited vegetation due to the lack of moisture.

Which condition most likely exists when precipitation is greater than potential evapotranspiration and soil water storage is at the maximum?

The condition that most likely exists in this scenario is water saturation. When precipitation is greater than potential evapotranspiration and soil water storage is at maximum capacity, the excess water cannot infiltrate into the soil, leading to saturated or waterlogged conditions, which can result in flooding and increased runoff.

Why the yearly total precipitation over the oceans is greater than the yearly total precipitation over the continents?

The yearly total precipitation over the oceans is greater than over continents because oceans cover more of the Earth's surface and therefore have a larger area from which to receive precipitation. Additionally, the oceans are able to retain heat better than land, leading to more evaporation and subsequent precipitation. Ocean currents also play a role in transporting moisture to different regions, contributing to higher precipitation levels over oceans.

What is a moisture surplus?

The soil in a region is saturated, and rainfall is greater than the need for the moisture.

How does an object affect the height of the object?

Directly. The greater the potential fall, the greater the potential energy.

What is rainforest precipitation?

The rain forest precipitation is greater that 150 cm. Rain forest precipitation is basically how much rain falls and collects on earth.

What is a soil moisture surplus?

The soil in a region is saturated, and rainfall is greater than the need for the moisture.

Is itTrue or false is the greater the height of an object the greater its gravitational potential energy?

True. Gravitational potential energy is directly proportional to an object's height above a reference point. This means that the greater the height of an object, the greater its gravitational potential energy.

If two skydivers are the same distance from the ground the one with the greater mass will have greater aeilnoptt energy?

Potential energy is determined by the mass of an object and its distance from the ground. Therefore, the skydiver with greater mass will have greater potential energy when they are the same distance from the ground.

Who has greater annual precipitation Seattle Washington or Houston Texas?

Houston, TX

In which position would an object have the GREATER amount of potential energy?

An object would have greater potential energy when positioned higher above the ground due to its increased gravitational potential energy.