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Q: What moves the cursor to the end of a typed line?
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What key do you press to move your cursor to the end of a line of typed text?

Use the Ctrl - End key combination.

Where is my home tab on my computer?

If you're in a word document, it is a key, that when pressed, will take you back to the beginning of the line that your cursor is on. If you're on a webpage, it will take you to the top of the webpage.

When the line of text moves to the next line what is it called?

Word wrapWhen the text you're typing gets to the end of the line, the cursor wraps to the next line. It places the text below on the page instead of allowing the words to continue on beyond the right margin.

Where should you position the cursor in order to insert blank lines above a line of text?

The end of the line

When typing the insertion point moves to the left and when end of a line is reached it moves downward to the next line true or false?


When typing the insertion point moves to the left and when the end of a line is reached it moves downward to the next line. True or False?


What keys moves the insertion point to the end of the data in a cell?

The 'F2' key will select the active cell and move the cursor to the end. You could also double click a cell and then press the 'End' key.

To move to the end of a line?

There are many handy keyboard shortcuts. Command plus holding down the left or right arrow will move the spacer to the beginning or end of the line. Or use Ctrl plus A to move to the beginning of the line and Ctrl plus E to move to the end of the line.

A formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the insertation point to the beginning of the next physical line?

Line break Character

Why is word wrap an important feature of word?

It allows you to do continual typing without worrying about needing to press "enter" to get to the next line if you are towards the end of the line. If a word is too long, word wrap will automatically move that word to the next line. This increases your typing speed. You do not have to constantly watch your screen to see where the cursor is located (for instance, you're looking at a document and typing it word for word so you don't need to take your eyes off the document you're typing to see if you need to move down a line). Unlike on a manual typewriter, when the cursor in the word-processor gets to the end of a line, if the operator is still typing, it moves that part of the unfinished word, and places it on the next line. This prevents half a word at the end of a line (unless the operator deliberately wants it that way!)

How is cursor different from end line marker in MS-Word?

The cursor (also called the pointer) is the item on screen which marks the position of the mouse. When in a document the insertion point is where text will appear when you start to type on the keyboard it is usually a blinking vertical line. In a command line window it is a blinking underscore and also where input will appear (if allowed) In Microsoft Word there is no character that denotes the end of a line unless a hard line break has been set (Shift+Enter) the hard line break appears as an arrow that is bent down and to the left.

What action usually used inside a text document to select a text of a line?

There are several ways of doing so. You can drag across it. You can click at the start of the line. You can put the cursor at the start of the line and then press Shift - End.