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Q: What multiplication problem makes of 39 what multiplication problem makes up 39?
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proper fraction

When you round both factors in a multiplication problem up how does your estimate compare to a greater number?

When you round both factors in a multiplication problem up, your estimate will be greater than the actual product.

When both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product the estimate is an?

when both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product, the estimate is an overestimate.

Do you have to line up the decimal?

in a multiplication problem, you don't have to. in addition & subtraction, you do

What is the term for when both factors of a multiplication problem are rounded up?

Overestimation, perhaps.

When both factor in a multiplication problem are rounded up estimate the product the estimate is an?

The answer would be an overestimate.

What is the estimate when both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product?

That's an overestimate.

What is it called when both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product?

You would call that an estimate, or overestimate.

When both factors in a multiplication problem are rounded up to estimate the product te estimate is an?


You are in the fourth grade and you need to do something fun with math to do for the class what should you do?

multiplication (or division) bingo your say a problem and if they have the correct answer they cover up a spot

What is the 39 squared?

I'm worried that I may not understand your question. If you mean, "What is the numerical answer to 39 squared?" IE., 39^2 or 39x39, you can type it into a calculator or use long multiplication to find out that it is 1521. If you are asking about what 'squared' is: Squaring a number is the same as multiplying it by itself 2 times, so 39^2 = 39 x 39 We can also say that the number 39 is being raised to the power of 2. Cubing a number is multiplying it by itself 3 times (to the power of 3), so 39^3 = 39 x 39 x 39 Note: The little ^ thing indicates that the 2 and 3 coming after it are smaller and written up in the corner.

What number with 4 will be added up to 16 by multipcation?