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I believe the question was what MUSCLES are used, not what BODYPARTS are used. can we please have a serious answer rather than all this guessing.........

-anterior and lateral deltoids

-upper fibers of the trapezius

-wrist flexors

-core muscles (for balance)

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Q: What muscles do you use in a handstand?
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Related questions

What does a typical handstand primarily and secondarily work out?

I primarily works out your core (stomach) muscles.

Is doing a handstand muscle strength?

Yes it is muscle strength . You have to use the muscles in your arms to hold your own body weight up . To me is is a very difficult task because your have to have a lot of strength in your arms and it helps you learn how to do your back hand spring.

What muscles do you se when you do a cartwheel?

There are a few muscles groups that are used. First your arms because you have to be able to hold up your weight. the second is your abs because you have to stay tight to keep yourself in a handstand throughout the cartwheel. And finally, you use your legs to push off and land out of a certwheel. :)

How do you hold a handstand?

When I first learned how to do a proper handstand I lasted up to 2 or 3 seconds, but after a while of practicing I got up to 9 and 10 seconds. (The key is not to get frustrated. Practice makes perfect!)

How do you do a press handstand?

Well, first you need to work your upper body out. Lots of pull-ups and push-ups will help. Before you do your press handstand, you need to know how to do a regular handstand. (learn a regular 1 first). *TIP- USE HIP FLEXORS TO HELP YOUR PRESS HANDSTAND. start in a raised straddle position and gently raise your hips and legs until you are in a simple handstand. PRACTICE!

How do you do a handstand on club penguin?

you actually can't do handstands BUT you can SAY "does handstand". In a way that is doing a handstand in cp

Why do we need power in gymnastics?

For example,when you do a handstand if you don't use power,you will fall down

How do you do a split handstand?

if you're talking about a press handstand, the main thing you have to do is put all of your weight over your wrists to keep balance. you also need to have a ton of core strength.

In 1982 Who has the record for the longest handstand?

In 1982, the record for the longest handstand was held by Mauro Bellugi from Italy. He completed a handstand that lasted for over 20 minutes.

What stretches do you need to do to be flexible enough for a walkover?

You don't necessarily need to be flexible for a walkover. For a front walkover you want to have a solid handstand bridge come up and good stomach muscles. For a balk walkover you want to have a good handstand bride kick over and flexible shoulders. It would help if you had one of your splits to make it look nicer:)

Where offline can instructional materials on how to do a handstand be located?

One can learn to do a handstand at a gym from an aerobics instructor. The aerobics instructor will also advise on which exercises should be done in order to succeed on doing a handstand.

Can Dora do a handstand?
