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square or rhombus

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Q: What names is given to a plane figure having equal sides and equal opposite angles?
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What figure has opposite not equal sides and no equal angles?

A general quadrilateral.

What is a plain figure in which all of the angles are right angles opposite sides are parallel and opposite sides are equal?

rectangles squares

What is A figure with opposite sides that are equal and parallel and with four angles?

a rectangle

What is the figure of a rhombus?

A rhombus is a 4 equal sided quadrilateral with opposite parallel sides and equal opposite acute angles and equal opposite obtuse angles that all add up to 360 degrees.

Which figure has opposite angles are congruent?

All regular polygons with an even number of angles. All the angles of polygons with an odd number of angles are also equal but there are no "opposite" angles.

What angles does a parallogram have?

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with opposite sides of equal length and angles not equal to 90 degrees (otherwise it would be a rectangle). Diagonally opposite angles will be equal, and adjacent angles will add up to 180 degrees.

What is a 4 sided figure with the opposite sides not parallel and angles not equal?


A four sided figure has opposite sides of equal lengthtwo opposite angles measure 130 and two opposite angles measure 50?

Not sure exactly what the question is? But this type of figure would be known as a parallelogram

What is a four sided figure with opposite sides equal and parallel and opposite angles equal?

If one set of opposite sides is equal and parallel then both are. The figure is a PARALLELOGRAM and the opposite angles of course must be equal.(see related links below)Parallelograms include rectangles (four right angles) and rhomboids (two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles).A square is a type of rectangle (all sides equal).A rhombus is a type of rhomboid (all sides equal).Although a square could be considered an equiangular rhombus, it is usually considered a separate type of shape.

Are the opposite sides of a parellelogram parallel?

Yes. A parallelogram is defined as having opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length, and opposite angles that are equal.

What is the term for a figure that has all sides are equal in length and opposite angles are congruent?

It is a Rhombus.

Are opposite angles equal?

yes opposite angles are equal