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There is an infinite list of them, including 14 and 16.

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Q: What natural numbers are relatively prime to 15?
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What are relatively prime numbers to 15 and 32 and 49?

The numbers 15, 32, and 49 are relatively prime because their greatest common factor is 1.

Are 12 and 15 relatively prime?

No, 12 and 15 aren't relatively prime, because they both share as a prime factor 3. Dividing both12 and 15 by 3 gives 4 and 5 respectively. Consecutive numbers are always coprime. Coprime numbers are relatively prime to each other, as they share no prime factors, for example 33 and 35,

What is relitivly prime?

Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor (GCD) is 1. In other words, there is no positive integer greater than 1 that divides both of the numbers. For example, 7 and 12 are relatively prime, but 10 and 15 are not, as their GCD is 5.

What is the difference between a prime number and relatively prime numbers?

Prime numbers are those which are divisible only by 1 and the number itself... Example: 7 is divisible by no number other than 7 and 1. Relatively prime numbers are those pairs of numbers which have no common divisor other than one. Example: (15,16) Factors of 15:1,3,5,15 Factors of 16:1,4,16 Common factor of 15 & 16 is 1, hence 15 & 16 are relatively prime.

When are two composite numbers relatively prime?

Numbers called relatively prime have no common factors other than 1. All even numbers have 2 as a common factor, so no even number is relatively prime with any other even number. As an example, the factors of 14 are 1, 2, 7, and 14, and the factors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, and 15. 14 and 15 are relatively prime because the only factor they have in common is 1.

Is 45 and 64 relatively prime?

Numbers are either prime or they aren't. In this case, 45 is divisible by 3 and 15; sixty-four goes into 2, 4, 8 and 32. The term "relatively prime" compares two numbers and their common factors. If the GCF of the two numbers is 1, then they are "relatively prime."

Is 30 a relatively prime number?

A number cannot be relatively prime number by itself. It can only be relatively prime in the context of (relativeto) another number. That requires the two numbers not to have any prime factors in common.

I need to know which pair of numbers in relatively prime 10 and 21 or 12 and 54 or 15 and 27 or 21 and 38?

hcf(10, 21) = 1 ⇒ 10 & 21 relatively prime hcf(12, 54) = 6 ⇒ 12 & 54 not relatively prime hcf(15, 27) = 3 ⇒ 15 & 27 not relatively prime hcf(21, 38) = 1 ⇒ 21 & 38 relatively prime

What it mean when a number is relatively prime number?

Two [or more] numbers are said to be relatively prime or coprime if they have no factor in common [other than 1]. They need not be prime numbers.Equivalently, a set of numbers is relatively prime if and only if their GCF is 1.Thus, 2*7 = 14 and 3*5 = 15Neither 14 nor 15 is a prime but they are relatively prime since they do not have a factor in common.

Are 4 and 15 relatively prime?

Yes, 4 and 15 are relatively prime.