21 out of 72 = 21 / 72 = 0.291667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.291667 * 100 = 29.17%
72 quarters is 18 dollars.
The smallest number that both 21 and 23 can go into is 483.
7, 21, 8, 72, 9, ?
21 - 72 = -51
The common factors are: 1, 3
21 out of 72 = 21 / 72 = 0.291667Converting the above decimal to a percentage: 0.291667 * 100 = 29.17%
72 quarters is 18 dollars.
The number is 24.
The LCM of 21 and 72 is 504.
72 ......... There are infinite numbers. 72 is the lowest positive number exactly divisible by 24 and 36.
243 is one possibility.
The lowest number those three number all go into is... 72.