No. 64 is not evenly divisible by six.
59 is a prime number. 1 and 59 are the only divisors of 59.
Their HCF which is 10
not by complete number 60 = 6 x 10 54 = 6 x 9 59 = 6 x 9.83333 also, 59 is a prime number.
No it does not.
No. 64 is not evenly divisible by six.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
59 is a prime number. 1 and 59 are the only divisors of 59.
None. 59 is a prime # and it cannot go into 100 evenly.
59 is a prime number, meaning it isdivisibleby 1 and itself (59)
Only 1 and 59 - it's a prime number.
No 59 is a prime number because only 1 and itself can go into it.
Any of its multiples
One is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally. Two is a prime factor of 210 because no other number can go into it other then one and itself, and because it goes into 210 equally. Three is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number three equally, other then 3 and itself. Five is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number five equally, other then 5 and itself. Seven is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number seven equally, other then seven and itself.\ Hope this helped!