The number 1.
14/15: In decimal, 7/8 is .875 In decimal, 14/15 is .9333 (threes go on forever)
3 will go into both of these numbers
Their HCF which is 10
1, 2, 17, 34.
The HCF is 2
12:12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,120 14:14,28,32,46,60,74,88,102,116,130 16:16,32,48,64,80,96,112,128,144,160
HCF(24, 15, 3) = 120
The number 1.
14/15: In decimal, 7/8 is .875 In decimal, 14/15 is .9333 (threes go on forever)
One is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally. Two is a prime factor of 210 because no other number can go into it other then one and itself, and because it goes into 210 equally. Three is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number three equally, other then 3 and itself. Five is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number five equally, other then 5 and itself. Seven is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number seven equally, other then seven and itself.\ Hope this helped!
3 will go into both of these numbers
all numbers can go into 100 equally. For example, if the problem is 100 divided by 3, then the answer would be 33.33333333333