On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers,we get : roman numeral mcmxcix is written as :1999 number which comes after 1999 is 2000 which is written as :MM
500 cannot be a fraction as it is a Whole Number.
You can convert a percentage into a whole number by dividing it by 100. For example, if we have 500%, to convert this into a whole number you do: 500/100 = 5 Thus 500% is equivalent to 5.
500 2500.
1.2% is 500 and you want 100% which is 500*100/1.2 = 41666.66...
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers,we get : roman numeral mcmxcix is written as :1999 number which comes after 1999 is 2000 which is written as :MM
500% = 500/100 = 5
500 cannot be a fraction as it is a Whole Number.
You can convert a percentage into a whole number by dividing it by 100. For example, if we have 500%, to convert this into a whole number you do: 500/100 = 5 Thus 500% is equivalent to 5.
find 20 percent of a number, for example: 20% of 500 is 100 then minus the answer off the starting number which is 500. 500 - 100 = 400 400 is 20% off of 500.