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Q: What number could be used as divisor and never have left over?
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Related questions

How can I interpret the remainder?

When you divide one number by another, you will have a quotient which represents the number of times the divisor into the dividend and the remainder represents what proportion of the divisor is left over.

What is the whole number left overwhelm you divide and the divisor doesn't divide the dividend evenly?

the remainder

What is the whole number left over when you divide and the divisor doesn't divide the dividend evenly?

It is the remainder.

The whole number left over when you divide and the divisor doesn't divide the dividend evenly?

It is the remainder.

The number you divide by?

In a division such as 7 divided by 3 = 2 + 1 The number you are dividing - 7 - is the dividend The number you are dividing by - 3 - is the divisor The number you get - 2 - is the quotient The number left over - 1 - is the remainder.

Why does the remainder be greater then the divvisor?

The remainder can be greater than the divisor when the dividend is significantly larger than the divisor. In division, the remainder is the amount that is left over after dividing the dividend by the divisor. If the dividend is much larger than the divisor, it is likely that the remainder will also be larger than the divisor.

Why do you change mixed numbers to improper fractions before you divide?

Well unless the whole number can be divided evenly by the divisor, a fraction would be left over before dividing the fraction by the divisor. It is much easier in these cases to create a top-heavy fraction

Where do you put the dividend in a division problem?

The dividend is the first number in a dividing equation.Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient; the Remainder is any 'left over' value, if not evenly divisible.For example,54 divided by 9= 6.54 is the dividend, 9 is the Divisor, 6 is the Quotient, and the Remainder is 0.

What can be the largest possible remainder if the divisor in a given division problem is 48?

The remainder is the number that is left over after the initial value has been divided as much as it can. If any numbers greater than 48 were present as a remainder, then these could be divided further into 48. If 48 is present as the remainder, then this can be divided by 48 to give 1, leaving no remainder. Thus, the largest possible remainder if the divisor is 48 is 47.

What is the amount left over after you divide a number?

In the calculation below, the Divisor (3) cannot evenly divide into the dividend (7), then there will be a Quotient (2) and a Remainder (1) 7 ÷ 3 = 2, +1 The remainder is the amount left over.

Why must the remainder be less than the divisor?

The remainder is less than the divisor because if the remainder was greater than the divisor, you have the wrong quotient. In other words, you should increase your quotient until your remainder is less than your divisor!

What is 452 divided by 7?
