The remainder can be greater than the divisor when the dividend is significantly larger than the divisor. In division, the remainder is the amount that is left over after dividing the dividend by the divisor. If the dividend is much larger than the divisor, it is likely that the remainder will also be larger than the divisor.
If the remainder were greater than the divisor, you'd be able to take another divisor out of it.
Absolutely not possible
Because if the remainder is greater, then you could "fit" another divisor value into it. if they are equal, then you can divide it easily. Thus, the remainder is always lower than the divisor.
If the remainder were greater than the divisor, you'd be able to take another divisor out of it.
Remainder can't be greater than or equal to 8.
If the remainder is greater than the divisor then you can divide it once more and get one more whole number and then have less remainders.
The former
Absolutely not possible
Yes it can because it doesn't matter how big the remainder is it can go to 1000.
127 is the least prime number greater than 25 that will have a remainder of 2 when divided by 25.
The remainder must always be smaller.
No. If your remainder is greater than your divisor that means you haven't finished dividing as much as you can yet. For example, if you divide 100 by 10 and get 9 with a remainder of 10, that means that you can still divide once more to find the final answer of 10.
9. The divisor must be greater than the remainder. A 1 digit divisor that is greater than 8 can only be 9.