The remainder of any division MUST be smaller than the divisor. So no number divided by 10 or 7 can leave a remainder of 12. So review your question and post it when it makes sense.
A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.
Any multiple of 3 plus 1, like 4, 7, 10, 13 and so on.
A number leaves reminder 6 when divided by 10. What is the remainder when the number is divided by 5? Justify your reasoning.
85. A number when divided by 238, leaves a remainder 79. What will be the remainder when the number is divided bv 17 ? (1) 8 (2) 9 (3) 10 @) 11
A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.A modulus is the remainder after a number has been divided into another. 3 divides into 10 with a remainder of 1. So 1 is the modulus of 10 divided by 3.
Any multiple of 3 plus 1, like 4, 7, 10, 13 and so on.
Any number that can be divided by 2 and leave no remainder - for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, is an even number.
24 is answer.