Any number not in the 13 times table. E.g 14, 15, 16,... but not 26.
Any of their factors
182 is divisible by: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 91, 182.
To be divisible by 2 the number must be even, that is its last digit must be 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0; the last digit of 26 is 6 which is one of {2, 4, 6, 8, 0} so 26 is even and divisible by 2. To be divisible by 3 sum the digits of the number; if this sum is divisible by 3 then the original number is divisible by 3. The test can be repeated on the sum until a single digit remains, in which case if this single digit is 3, 6, or 9 then the original number is divisible by 3; For 26: 2 + 6 = 8 which is not one of {3, 6, 9} so 26 is not divisible by 3. To be divisible by 5 the last digit must be a 0 or 5; the last digit of 26 is a 6 which is not 0 nor 5, so 26 is not divisible by 5. To be divisible by 9 sum the digits of the number; if this sum is divisible by 9 then the original number is divisible by 9. The test can be repeated on the sum until a single digit remains, in which case if this single digit is 9 then the original number is divisible by 9; For 26: 2 + 6 = 8 which is not 9 so 26 is not divisible by 9. 26 is divisible by 2 but not divisible by 3, 5 nor 9.
A number that is divisible by 2 is not always evenly divisible by 6. It must also be divisible by 3, and must not be smaller than 6. The numbers 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, and 28 etc. are all divisible by 2 but not (evenly) by 6. The opposite is true, though. Any number divisible by 6 is also divisible by 2.
Any number not in the 13 times table. E.g 14, 15, 16,... but not 26.
You have to find a number that both 14 and 52 are divisible by. Divide both by 2... 14/2 = 7 52/2 = 26 You did have 14:52 now you have 7:26 since 7 is a prime number 7:26 is the simplest form
No. 26 is divisible by 2 and 13.
Any of their factors
Yes, half of the numbers divisible by 2 are not divisible by 4. For example, 2 is divisible by 2 but not by 4. The same is true for 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, etc.
Some positive numbers are divisible by 13, but not all of them.
182 is divisible by: 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 91, 182.
To be divisible by 2 the number must be even, that is its last digit must be 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0; the last digit of 26 is 6 which is one of {2, 4, 6, 8, 0} so 26 is even and divisible by 2. To be divisible by 3 sum the digits of the number; if this sum is divisible by 3 then the original number is divisible by 3. The test can be repeated on the sum until a single digit remains, in which case if this single digit is 3, 6, or 9 then the original number is divisible by 3; For 26: 2 + 6 = 8 which is not one of {3, 6, 9} so 26 is not divisible by 3. To be divisible by 5 the last digit must be a 0 or 5; the last digit of 26 is a 6 which is not 0 nor 5, so 26 is not divisible by 5. To be divisible by 9 sum the digits of the number; if this sum is divisible by 9 then the original number is divisible by 9. The test can be repeated on the sum until a single digit remains, in which case if this single digit is 9 then the original number is divisible by 9; For 26: 2 + 6 = 8 which is not 9 so 26 is not divisible by 9. 26 is divisible by 2 but not divisible by 3, 5 nor 9.
Two is a prime number and is only divisible by 1 and itself.
A number that is divisible by 2 is not always evenly divisible by 6. It must also be divisible by 3, and must not be smaller than 6. The numbers 2, 4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, and 28 etc. are all divisible by 2 but not (evenly) by 6. The opposite is true, though. Any number divisible by 6 is also divisible by 2.