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not one number goes into 6 and 7 unless it is 1. the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 go into 6. only 1 goes into 7 because 7 is a prime number

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Q: What number equally divides into both 6 and 7?
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The number that can divide evenly into 6 and 9 would be 3.

What number goes into 6 and 7 equally?

It is: 1

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6 divided by 1 equals 6. 6 divided by 6 equals 1.

What is 6 over 9 in its simplest form?

6/9 in it's simplest form is 2/3. To simplify this fraction you have to find a number that divides into both 6 and 9. The lowest number that does this is 3. Then do you divide the numerator and denominator by this number. 6/3=2 and 9/3=3.